Sep 14, 2012

따뜻한 사람.

정용화의 중학교 동창이라고 자신을 밝힌 이가, 졸업사진 인증과 함께 정용화 갤러리에 남긴 글 中.

"기억나는게 몇개있는데 2학년 체력장때 운동장 7바퀴를 도는데

1등이 한바퀴차이나서 꼴찌를 따라잡으면 꼴찌가 탈락되는 그런 룰이였었는데 용화가 1등이였음

근데 꼴찌랑 한바퀴 차이나서 따라잡는줄알았는데 꼴찌하는애 탈락안할수있게

꼴찌 바로 뒤에서 설렁설렁 뛰면서 웃으면서 힘내라고 말하면서 안따라잡으면서 설렁설렁 뜀

그래서 뒤에 애들도 용화때매 못따라잡고 그 꼴찌가 완주했던 기억이남"

-from a story shared by YH's middle school classmate (who uploaded a yearbook picture as a proof) @ DC JYH:

"I remember a few things. In 2nd year, during our annual physical education exam, we had to run 7 laps.

The rule was set so that when no.1 runs one more lap fast enough to pass the last runner, the last runner gets a fail.

Yong Hwa was no.1 so when he ran almost one more lap than the last runner, I thought he would catch up.

But without passing, he ran leisurely right behind the last runner so that he wouldn't fail, smiling and cheering him up.

I remember how because of him, the kids who were following couldn't pass by and the last runner finished the laps."

Such a warm, warm person even back then.








Sep 8, 2012

"이만큼 재밌었던 일을 찾지 못했던것 같아요. 천직인 것 같아요."

"I've never found anything more exciting to do...I feel like it's my calling."

turn on "cc" on bottom to watch with subs.

Sep 7, 2012

"느낄 수밖에 없죠, 당연히."

turn on "cc" on bottom to watch with subs.

Though there was hardly anything new in the People Inside interview, this comment really struck something in my heart. He's someone who wholeheartedly accepts his fans' love, but never takes it for granted. As his fan, I feel so appreciated and loved back from what he said here.