Sep 7, 2012

"느낄 수밖에 없죠, 당연히."

turn on "cc" on bottom to watch with subs.

Though there was hardly anything new in the People Inside interview, this comment really struck something in my heart. He's someone who wholeheartedly accepts his fans' love, but never takes it for granted. As his fan, I feel so appreciated and loved back from what he said here.


  1. Thank you so much for subbing this important message from Yonghwa. I totally share your sentiment.
    Always hear fans say he remembers the individual fans' faces (even the DC gallers' screen names too). Don't mean I long for his knowing my existence at all, as one of the many many fans around, just feel good to know he appreciates our love.

  2. Thanks for the subs, heich! Really appreciate the time and effort you took to share this with those of us who do not understand Korean. I agree with both you and klaritia. Yong Hwa mentioned that during his free time, he would search the web for his name so who knows, perhaps he's come across both klaritia and your site! And fingers-crossed cnbluetheband too! I do hope for that, so that he can see how loved he is by so many... and if that gives him just a smidgen more encouragement to keep going, it makes our efforts worth it.

  3. Always my pleasure :)

    Though I care less about him knowing my screen name, YES, I hope he knows that he has many, many fans who truly love what he loves doing. That we love the passion that he pours out to create his art, the composition and the performance of it all. That we deeply care about his own voice, his beliefs, and the values that he stands up for. I hope the existence of those fans could be of the smallest solace and comfort during his testing times.
