Jul 31, 2012

정용화, “요즘 운동하는 재미에 푹 빠졌어요” Jung Yong Hwa, "I'm into Working Out"

[이정아의 셀러브리티]정용화, “요즘 운동하는 재미에 푹 빠졌어요”

[SBS E! 연예뉴스 l 이정아 기자]씨엔블루 정용화는 얼굴만 잘생긴 것이 아니었다. 노래면 노래, 연기면 연기, 탁월한 작사, 작곡 실력까지 갖췄다. 게다가 스케줄이 끝나면 곧장 연습실로 향하는 성실함마저 겸비하다니!! 이 남자, 알수록 더 멋있다.

하루 24시간을 음악과 함께 할 것 같은 이 남자에게도 다른 취미는 있다. 그것은 바로 운동이었다. 요즘 몸이 부쩍 더 좋아졌다 싶더니 역시 비결이 있었다.

# 요즘은 어떻게 지내나요?

"지난 앨범 활동을 마무리하고 부산에 가서 잠시 쉬었어요. 지금은 1일 발매되는 3번째 일본 싱글 '컴온(Come on)' 프로모션 차 일본에 머물고 있습니다."

# 잠깐이라도 짬이 나면 무엇을 하면서 시간을 보내요?

"요즘에는 운동에 푹 빠졌어요. 조금이라도 시간이 나면 헬스장에 가서 운동을 하는 편입니다. 몸이 좀 좋아진 것 같나요?(웃음) 많이 할 때는 일주일에 4, 5번도 하는 편인데요 정말 재미가 있어요. 앞으로 더 열심히 해볼 생각입니다."

# 남달리 팀워크가 좋아 보이는데 그 비결이 뭘까요?

"서로가 트러블 생길 일은 만들지 않고 오해가 쌓이지 않게 그 때 그 때 푸는 편이예요."

# 멤버들과 함께 여행을 갈 계획은 없나요?

"지금은 활동 때문에 자유 시간이 거의 없지만 활동하면서 함께 하기 때문에 즐거운 일이 많아요. 나중에는 함께 그런 시간도 만들고 싶습니다."

# 다른 멤버들 이종현(SBS '신사의 품격')과 강민혁(KBS '넝쿨째 굴러온 당신')이 드라마에 출연 중인데 먼저 연기를 한 선배로서 조언을 해줄 것은요?

"함께 모니터를 하고 그러는 건 있는데 다들 잘하고 있어서 존중하는 마음을 갖고 있습니다."

CNBLUE's Jung Yong Hwa is not just good looking. He's equipped with singing, acting, and songwriting talents. He's even a hard worker who heads straight to the practice room after schedule!! The more you get to know this guy, the more awesome he is.
Though he seems as a guy who would be into music 24 hours, he has other hobbies. Working out. That was key to his noticeable improvement in shape.

#How do you spend time these days?
-Following our last album's promotion, I went to Busan and rested a bit. Right now, I'm in Japan to promote our 3rd Japanese single "Come on".

#When you have spare time, how do you spend it?
-These days, I'm into working out. Whenever I have free time, I hit the gym. Does my body look a bit better? (laughs) When I have time, I work out 4-5 times a week. I enjoy it a lot. I' think I'll keep exercising hard.

#You seem like you have great teamwork. What's the secret?
-We don't make trouble between each other, and resolve issues right away so we don't have misunderstandings.

#Don't you have plans to go on a trip with members?
-Right now, we rarely have free time because of our activities, but we have great fun together during promotions. I want to go on such (a trip) later on.

#Other members, Lee Jong Hyun (AGD) and Kang Min Hyuk (MHGF) are starring in dramas at the moment. Do you have any advice as someone who started acting first?
-We monitor (their acting) together, but they're all doing very well so I have respect for them.

source: http://etv.sbs.co.kr/news/news_content.jsp?article_id=E10001028073


  1. Thank you so much for the translation.

    I'm kind of deprived of Yonghwa interviews these days. He's still working on so many things during this so-called break. He seems everywhere, but nowhere at the same time. (Never mind if you don't understand my last sentence.)

    It always strikes me how much he supported his bandmates' acting career, especially Minhyuk's. He tweeted about his watching the shows in his Busan home, posted a screencap of SG, those little talks calling them SG and Collin, during music show recordings and Kpop concerts ... And I totally love his choice of words for the last question.

  2. Thanks for reading.

    I think I get what you mean. :)

    The last sentence is the sole reason I translated the whole article. In Korean, it's even better. To directly translate, he said "I have a heart of respect towards them." Such a warm, loving, caring person.

  3. wow, they never think to go for any trip..really workaholic!

    thank u so much for the translation. you help us to understand them more n more. LOVE CNBLUE^^

  4. I think it's not that they don't want to. They're super busy...^^;; Sorry if I caused a confusion there. Thanks for reading!

  5. I shall express my gratitude then..thanks for translating! =)
    I've been keeping myself entertained with t-ara's drama lately and this article is a welcome change!

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